Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Good Fit

The Jazz just added Al Jefferson according to a lot of media reports. It hasn't finalized yet, but they definitely get better in my opinion. Jefferson is longer and younger than Boozer. Add Brewer to the team and we are back to being top 4 in the west again. Just as I was wondering what was going to happen as a Jazz fan this year, KOC pulls out his knack for finding decent players and pulls off this trade. The Jazz also got Raja Bell back, here is to hoping we have the stopper we need.

That looks like it hurt!

In other news, Dan Gilbert got fined 100k for his letter about Lebron, and according to his twitter account (here link to Dan Gilbert on Twitter), he really is acting childish with this whole issue by calling out everyone that is now heading to Miami. Rev. Jesse Jackson probably hit it on the nose by ripping Gilbert in his comments (here link to ESPN article) and I couldn't agree more with him that Gilbert is treating James as a product and not a person. He had his rights as commissioner Stern stated (here link to ESPN article) to do what he wanted. James did show his honesty and sincerity in his "Decision," and ultimately it was his choice. hereA link to good article by Gordon Monson about the issue.

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